Exhibitions 3 January – 13 February 1998
Alexander Ross: paintings
Bome: models
Drawers: Jesse Bransford, Fury 161, Kara Hammond, Scott Hug, G.B. Jones, David Moreno, Michelle Lopez, Jerry Phillips
Takashi Murakami (10 – 14 February 1998): Hiropon, Project Koko, Pity, Sakurako Jet Airplane a Nos. 1-6
office: Jason Fox, Richard Kern

Exhibitions 21 February – 28 March 1998
SCIENCE: Naomi Ben-Shahar, Huma Bhabha, Lucky DeBellevue, Sam Gordon, Rachel Harrison, Richard Hawkins, Miranda Lichtenstein, Judy Linn, David Moreno, Oona Stern, Lily van der Stokker, Alan Wiener, Gavin Wilson, B. Wurtz
David Robbins: Assorted Comedies
Michael Lazarus: paintings
office: Bome, Jesse Bransford, Richard Hawkins, David Robbins, Alexander Ross

Exhibitions 1 – 30 April 1998
Vincent Fecteau: sculpture
Paintings: Lisa Beck, Bill Komoski, David Moreno, John Torreano
25/34 Photographers: Ralf Marsault and Heino Muller collaboration. Selections from "Fin de Siecle"

Exhibitions 2 May – 6 June 1998
Alex Brown: paintings
Justen Ladda: “Rear Views”
From India, Contemporary Anonymous Tantra Paintings on Paper. Curated by Franck André Jamme

Exhibitions 9 June – 31 July 1998
group: Richard Hawkins, Scott Hug, Jeff Ono
Raghubir Singh: Icons
Jochen Klein: paintings
office: Alex Brown, Bill Komoski, Kevin Wolff
Exhibitions 3 September – 3 October 1998
Monica Majoli: paintings
B. Wurtz: altered photographs / Jesse Bransford: drawings
office: Jesse Bransford, Lucky DeBellevue, Richard Hawkins, Alexander Ross, David Shaw

Exhibitions 10 October – 7 November 1998
Dike Blair: Transcendental Decoration
Jerry Phillips: drawings
office: Michael Lazarus, David Moreno, Michael Rodriguez

Exhibitions 10 – 28 November 1998
YOYOGAGA: Shinichiro Akasaka, Lisa Beck, Huma Bhabha, Jason Fox, Sam Gordon, Chris Hammerlein, Michael Lazarus, Judy Linn, Mette Madsen, Jon McCafferty, Roy McMakin, David Shaw, Annie Sprinkle, Motohiko Tokuta
office: Dike Blair, Jerry Phillips, B. Wurtz

Exhibitions 5 December 1998 – 9 January 1999
Pudding: Richard Bloes, Jennifer Bolande, Alex Brown, Joe Cavallaro, Lorenzo De Los Angeles, Bruno Fazzolari, Michael Rodriguez, Oona Stern
Kinke Kooi: Taking the Vague as Being True
office: Sam Gordon, Michael Lazarus, Jon McCafferty