Feature /
340 W Huron, Chicago, IL 60610, USA
Richard Prince: photographs
group: James Brinsfield, Sarah Charlesworth, John Glascock, Peter Huttinger, Sherrie Levine, Darinka Novitovic, Rene Santos
Great Values: James Brinsfield, Bruce Clearfield, Janet Cooling, Fred Escher, John Glascock, Bill Goffrier, Lee Gordon, Peter Huttinger, Sherrie Levine, Darinka Novitovic, Richard Prince, Rene Santos
Rene Santos: Dog Show
group: James Brinsfield, Sarah Charlesworth, Bruce Clearfield, Janet Cooling, John Glascock, Peter Huttinger, Sherrie Levine, Darinka Novitovic, Richard Prince, others

Feature /
340 W Huron, Chicago, IL 60610, USA
New Order: Sarah Charlesworth, Janet Cooling, Robert Engel, John Glascock, Pam Golden, Gregory Green, Donna Hapac, Linda Horn, George Horner, Peter Huttinger, Sherrie Levine, Regent Pelerin, Richard Prince, Rene Santos, David Sessions, Mitchell Syrop
Richard Rezac: sculptures
Bruce Clearfield: paintings and drawings group
Engagement: James Brinsfield, Sarah Charlesworth, Bruce Clearfield, Janet Cooling, Pam Golden, George Horner, Peter Huttinger, Louise Lawler, Sherrie Levine, Richard Prince, Richard Rezac, Rene Santos, David Saunders, David Sessions, Mitchell Syrop, James Welling
Rene Santos: new paintings
Richard Prince: drawings and photos
Robert Engel: paintings
Invitational (with Rhona Hoffman Gallery*): Lyn Blumenthal*, Krimmer Brams, Janet Carkeek, John Dunn*, Julia Fish, Carol Harmel, Linda Horn*, George Horner, Kay Rosen, Ken Shaw, Tony Tasset
Blow Up: Ellen Carey, Sarah Charlesworth, Jimmy DeSana, John Glascock, Richard Prince, David Robbins, Rene Santos, Mitchell Syrop, James Welling
office: Kimberly Burleigh, Janet Cooling, Jimmy DeSana, Robert Engel, George Horner, Richard Rezac, Rene Santos
Richard Prince: Jokes
Charles Ray: This is how a table works
Hirsch Perlman: sculpture and photography

Feature /
340 W Huron, Chicago, IL 60610, USA
Rene Santos: new paintings
office: Sarah Charlesworth, Janet Cooling, George Horner, Richard Prince, Kevin Wolff
group: Kimberly Burleigh, Sarah Charlesworth, Nancy Chunn, Janet Cooling, Linda Horn, Louise Lawler, Lillian Mulero, Kay Rosen
Janet Cooling: new paintings
Richard Rezac/Tom Skomski: sculpture
office: Robert Engel, John Glascock, George Horner, Richard Prince, Rene Santos
Peter Huttinger: Capillaries paintings and Entanglement drawings
George Horner: Silly Putty lift-offs
office: Nancy Chunn, Janet Cooling, Louise Lawler, Richard Prince, Richard Rezac, Rene Santos, David Saunders, Tony Tasset
Kevin Wolff: Sexual Portraits
Kip Fitzgerald: Urban Teens
Portraiture Options: Ellen Sandor/Mark Resch/Dan Sandin, Jan Sutcliffe, Bill Emrich
Julia Fish: paintings / Richard Rezac: sculpture
Promises, Promises: Kimberly Burleigh, Eric Doctors, Jeanne Dunning, Rusty Kane, Hirsch Perlman, Kay Rosen, Nancy Shaver, Tony Tasset, Jonathan Waterbury, B. Wurtz
Tony Tasset: Domesticates
group: Michael Banicki, Janet Carkeek, Linda Horn, Jonathan Waterbury
office: George Horner, Kevin Larmon, Hirsch Perlman, Kay Rosen, Nancy Shaver, Kevin Wolff
David Saunders
Kimberly Burleigh
office: Michael Banicki, Nancy Chunn, Jeanne Dunning, Richard Prince, B. Wurtz
POST/modern/conceptual/pop/PRODUCTION: George Horner, Jeff Koons, Louise Lawler, Stephen Long, Richard Prince, Haim Steinbach, Tony Tasset
office: Janet Carkeek, Bruce Clearfield, Janet Cooling, Julia Fish, Peter Huttinger, David Saunders

Feature /
340 W Huron, Chicago, IL 60610, USA
James Welling: new paintings and photographs
group: (Art)n, Larry Johnson, Rusty Kane, Louise Lawler, David Robbins
office: Jeanne Dunning, George Horner, Richard Rezac, Kay Rosen, B. Wurtz
B. Wurtz: new works
Kay Rosen: paintings
Jamie Reid: Sex Pistols: Situationist Agitprop
Nancy Chunn: paintings
Nature: (Art)n, Michael Banicki, Janet Carkeek, Lance Carlson, Jeanne Dunning, Kate Ericson/Mel Ziegler, Jim Isermann, Charles Ray, Nancy Shaver, Tony Tasset
office: Hirsch Perlman, Richard Rezac, Kay Rosen, David Saunders, B. Wurtz
Nancy Shaver
Janet Carkeek
office: Nancy Chunn, Charles Ray, David Saunders, B. Wurtz
The Non-Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting, 1985-????: Nicholas Arbatsky, (Art)n, Michael Banicki, Krimmer Brams, Dennis Callahan, Janet Carkeek,Jan Carmichael, Anita David, Jeanne Dunning, Gaylen Gerber, Gregory Green, Mitchell Kane, Judy Ledgerwood, Kevin Maginnis, Hirsch Perlman, Johnny Pixchure, Benjamin Pranger, Kay Rosen, Vincent Shine, Tony Tasset, Monika Wehrenberg, Frances Whitehead
Head Sex: Kathe Burkhart, General Idea, Mike Kelley, Kevin Larmon, Lillian Mulero, Raymond Pettibon, Johnny Pixchure, Richard Prince, Kay Rosen, Rene Santos, Kevin Wolff
Kimberly Burleigh: paintings
Knew: Michael Banicki, Janet Carkeek, Jeanne Dunning, Hirsch Perlman, Kay Rosen, Kevin Wolff
office: Troy Brauntuch, Nancy Chunn, Jim Isermann, Charles Ray, David Robbins
Kevin Wolff: paintings
New Photography: Cindy Bernard, Jeanne Dunning, Hirsch Perlman, David Robbins, Nancy Shaver, James Welling

Feature /
340 W Huron, Chicago, IL 60610, USA
Jonathan Waterbury
LACA Boys: Jim Isermann, Mark Kroening, Raymond Pettibon, Jim Shaw
office: Nancy Chunn, General Idea, Peter Huttinger, Allan McCollum, Johnny Pixchure, Richard Prince
Jim Isermann: Matching Chairs and Paintings
Kay Rosen
office: Michael Banicki, Nancy Chunn, Kevin Larmon, Hirsch Perlman, James Welling
Tony Tasset: new work
James Welling: Selected
office: Cindy Bernard, Janet Carkeek, Nancy Chunn, Jim Isermann, Hirsch Perlman, Richard Prince
Jeanne Dunning: new work
Near Miss: Michael Banicki, Cindy Bernard, Peter Huttinger, Hirsch Perlman, Raymond Pettibon, Richard Rezac, Kay Rosen, Tony Tasset, Kevin Wolff, B. Wurtz
office: Janet Carkeek, Charles Ray
Kathe Burkhart: Paintings from the Liz Taylor Series
group: Krimmer Brams, Judy Ledgerwood, Johnny Pixchure, Christopher Sass
Information as Ornament with Rezac Gallery: Richard Artschwager*, (Art)n, Michael Banicki, Cindy Bernard, Chris Burden, Michael Peter Cain, Nancy Chunn, Stephan Dillemuth, Jeanne Dunning, Gabriele Dziuba*, General Idea, Jenny Holzer, Ildebrando*, Jim Isermann, Larry Johnson, Sheila Klein*, Otto Künzli*, Kevin Maginnis*, Robert Mapplethorpe, Bruno Matinazzi*, Allan McCollum, Hirsch Perlman, Richard Prince, David Robbins, Kay Rosen, Gerd Rothmann*, Taro Suzuki*, Alfredo Tadini*, Tony Tasset, Christopher Wool, B. Wurtz

Feature /
484 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
Kay Rosen: The Ed Paintings
group: Michael Banicki, Janet Carkeek, Peter Huttinger, Kevin Wolff, B. Wurtz
Tom of Finland: Heavy Action Drawings
HOHOHOMO: Arnold Fern, Richard Hawkins, Kevin Larmon, Johnny Pixchure, Kevin Wolff

Feature /
484 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
Peter Huttinger: paintings and drawings
Cinderella Rockefeller: (Art)n, Cindy Bernard, Hirsch Perlman, Nancy Shaver, B. Wurtz
Romancing the Stone: Michael Banicki, Bastille, Lisa Beck, Kathe Burkhart, Kimberly Burleigh, Arnold Fern, Tony Greene, Peter Huttinger, Peter Levinson, Richard Morrison, Johnny Pixchure, Kay Rosen, Christopher Sasser, Jim Shaw, Tony Tasset, Kevin Wolff, B. Wurtz
Kathe Burkhart: Kathe Burkhart by Elizabeth Taylor: paintings from the Liz Taylor Series
Buttinsky: Michael Banicki, Peter Huttinger, Vicki Mansoor, Raymond Pettibon, Adrian Piper, Nancy Shaver, Jim Shaw, Tom of Finland, B. Wurtz
Richard Rezac: sculpture
I Only Want You to Love Me: curated by Hilton Als, installation by Hilton Als and Darryl A Turner: Camille Billops, James Hamilton, Gina Harrell, Judy Linn, Suzanne Miles, Adrian Piper, Lorna Simpson, Darryl Turner, James van der Zee
Tom Finland: drawings and working drawing
Bastille: new paintings
Office Party: Kathe Burkhart, Jeanne Dunning, Arnold Fern, General Idea, Tony Greene, Raymond Pettibon, Johnny Pixchure, Marc Romano, Rene Santos, Jim Shaw, Tom of Finland, Kevin Wolff

Feature /
484 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
The Thing Itself: Tom Friedman, Robert Gober, Mike Kelley, Louise, Lawler, Ken Lum, Christian Marclay, Adrian Piper, Kay Rosen, Nancy Shaver, Tony Tasset, B. Wurtz
Godhead: Lisa Beck, Nancy Becker, Michael Peter Cain, Jack Carter, Arnold Fern, Robert Flack, Tom Friedman, Mark Fry, Tony Greene, Doug Henders, John Lindell, Scott Miller, Lillian Mulero, Marc Romano, Ruth Rothschild, David Shaw, Lily van der Stokker, Mark Travanti, Sally Webster
Lily van der Stokker: mural drawings and paintings
Tony Greene: paintings

Feature /
484 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
Janet Carkeek: OSB: New Work
Jim Isermann: Shag Paintings and Sculpture
Kay Rosen (8 January – 8 February 1991)
Richard Rezac: new sculpture
Brett Reichman: new paintings/Lillian Mulero
Jeanne Dunning: new work
Peter Huttinger: Specimens
Office Party: Jason Fox, Tony Greene, Tony Tasset, Kevin Wolff
B. Wurtz: new work
Tony Tasset: new work
Office Party: Mark Fry, Jim Isermann, Lily van der Stokker
Kathe Burkhart: People in Hell Want Ice Water: More Paintings from the Liz Taylor Series
Jim Shaw: new works from My Mirage
General Idea: Maracaibo (from 31 May – 7 June 1991)
Raymond Pettibon: works on paper
David Moreno: paintings
Editions: Hirsch Perlman, Raymond Pettibon, David Robbins, Kay Rosen, Tony Tasset
Tom of Finland: drawings and sketches
G.B. Jones: Tom-Girl Drawings
office: Huma Bhabha, Robert Flack, Brett Reichman
Marc Romano: paintings and photographs
Tom Friedman: new work
office: Arnold Fern, Tom Friedman, B. Wurtz
Michael Banicki: new work
Kevin Wolff: new work
office: Janet Carkeek, Christopher Sasser
David Robbins: Concrete Comedy, Personal Politics, Contextual Genetics
Stüssy: Lisa Beck, Richard Hawkins, John Lekay, Robin Weglinski
Jason Fox: Druidyssey
group: Huma Bhabha, Tom Friedman, David Shaw, Sally Webster

Feature /
484 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
Charles Ray: Fall '91
Tony Tasset: Event Photographs
office: Karin Davie, paintings
Trouble Over So Much Skin: Shinichiro Akasaka, Richard Hawkins, G.B. Jones, John Lekay, Monica Majoli
office: Kay Rosen, Gilbert & George
Total Homo Video (17 July 1992): Bill Smartt & Mark Misrok, Dick Richards & Funtone Records, Sadie Benning, Fairies, Jon Witherspoon, Leslie Singer, Hester Reeve, The Gentlewomen of California
Total Homo Video (24 July 1992): Vaginal Cream Davis, Craig Roose & Kathy Duba-Noland, Leslie Singer, John Yahnke, Cecilia Dougherty, John Aes-Nihil, Quasi O’Shea & Keith Holland
Robert Flack: Love Mind
Brett Reichman: "You, oh Queen, are the fairest in the land."
Hirsch Perlman: The Layman's Practical Guide to Interrogation
Jeanne Dunning: recent work
Event: Listen: Dennis Cooper, Casey McKinney, Sandor Kicks

Feature /
484 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
Arnold Fern: Heads and Birds
Let the great constellation of flickering ashes be heard: Richard Bloes, David Shaw, Sally Webster
Richard Hawkins/Jennifer Pastor/Lily van der Stokker
Michael K Swenson: *Spell*Zone*
office: Jim Isermann, B. Wurtz
Up with People: Bastille, John Coplans, Bob Flanagan, G.B. Jones, Sheree Rose, Annie Sprinkle, A.K. Summers, Tom of Finland

Feature /
76 Greene Street, New York, NY 10012
Richard Hawkins: New Work by Richard Hawkins
Raymond Pettibon: new works on paper
opposite elevator: Chris Burden
small gallery: Peter Huttinger, Charles Ray, David Robbins, Kay Rosen
Kay Rosen: new paintings
Brett Reichman: "This may be play to you, 'tis death to me."
opposite elevator: Jim Shaw
13 – 20 October 1993: Michael K Swenson: You probably need your head examined (but you can't afford it)
20 October – 13 November: Multiples and works on paper: Donald Baechler, Werner Büttner, Hanne Darboven, General Idea, Joseph Kosuth, Dan Peterman, Kay Rosen, Nicolaus Schafhausen, Rosemarie Trockel, Lawrence Wiener
Richard Rezac: new sculpture
Marc Romano
small gallery: Jennifer Sirey

Feature /
76 Greene Street, New York, NY 10012
Jim Isermann: Handiworks
Jason Fox: Desonicator and Sleeping Bag Paintings
Michael Banicki: 35 Seasons
Friends, Romans, Countrymen: Bill Ashley, Lisa Beck, Lucky DeBellevue, Mark Gonzales, Vicki Mansoor
Lily van der Stokker: wall paintings
Paintings: David Moreno, David Robbins, Marc Romano, Kevin Wolff, B. Wurtz
office: David Moreno, David Robbins, Marc Romano, Kevin Wolff
Lucky DeBellevue
Tom of Finland: Drawings 1945-1990
Raunch: Martin/Holland and Bastille
And: Matthew Benedict, Arnold Fern, Robert Flack, Tony Greene, Richard Hawkins, Tyler Ingolia, G.B. Jones, Johnny Pixchure, Raymond Pettibon, Brett Reichman, Kevin Wolff
Sparkalepsy: Shinichiro Akasaka, Ginny Bishton, Michael and Sharon Demcsak, Vincent Fecteau, Mark Fry, Mark Gonzales, Arturo Herrera, Mette Madsen, Jason McKechnie
Jeanne Dunning: photography and video
Joe Cavallaro: drawing, sculpture, painting
David Moreno: paintings and drawings
Five Longish Wood Sculptures: Richard Pettibone, Charles Ray, Richard Rezac, Allen Ruppersberg, Tony Tasset

Feature /
76 Greene Street, New York, NY 10012
Strung Into the Apollonian Dream..., an exhibition of a private collection: Michael Banicki, Nancy Chunn, Tom Friedman, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Jenny Holzer, Peter Huttinger, Mike Kelley, Kevin Larmon, Louise Lawler, Sherrie Levine, Allan McCollum, David Moreno, Hirsch Perlman, Raymond Pettibon, Adrian Piper, Richard Prince, David Robbins, Rene Santos, Nancy Shaver, Jim Shaw, Cindy Sherman, Elaine Sturtevant, Tony Tasset, James Welling, Kevin Wolff, B. Wurtz
B. Wurtz: Mandalas
I Gaze a Gazely Stare: Jeanne Dunning, Robert Flack, Jason Fox, Tom Friedman, Jim Isermann, Kevin Larmon, Pruitt-Early, Brett Reichman, Richard Rezac, David Robbins, Nancy Shaver
Richard Bloes: video sculpture
Representational Drawings: Joe Cavallaro, G.B. Jones, Mike Kelley, Raymond Pettibon, Jerry Phillips, Charles Ray, Brett Reichman, Kay Rosen, Nancy Shaver, Jim Shaw, Tony Tasset, Tom of Finland, Kevin Wolff, B. Wurtz
the moderns: curated by Tony Payne: Judie Bamber, Bastille, Matthew Benedict, Ross Bleckner, Tom Bonauro, Boneboyz, John Boskovitch, Jeff Burton, Marcus Cafferty, Joe Cavallaro, Sofia Coppola, Meg Cranston, Louise Diedrich, Bart Everly, Scott Ewalt, Seth Ferris, Robert Flack, Pat Frantz, Eric Freeman, General Idea, Nan Goldin, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Richard Hawkins, Jim Isermann, Mike Kelley, Douglas Kolk, Lauren Lesko, Scott Lifschutz, Lovett/Codagnone, Robert Mapplethorpe, Keith Mayerson, Markus Morianz, Tony Payne, Jack Pierson, Proctor/Renaldi, REX, Aura Rosenberg, Tom of Finland, Fernando Santangelo, David Seidner, Hugh Steers, Daniel Tull, James Vance, WAH, Andy Warhol, Bruce Weber, Chris Wilder
Judy Linn: photographs
Crystal Blue Persuasion: Codagnone/Lovett, Joe Cavallaro, Jason Fox, Richard Hawkins, Arturo Herrera, David Humphrey, Jim Isermann, Douglas Kolk, Bill Komoski, Franklin Preston, David Robbins, Kevin Wolff
Jason Fox: Red Paintings
Richard Rezac: recent sculpture
Brownout: shit drawings by Martin/Holland (9 November – 10 pm to midnight)
Kevin Wolff: paintings
Martin Silverman: The Nikki Sheridan Show
b/w photos: Larry Clark, Jimmy DeSana, Jeanne Dunning, Tom Friedman, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Mike Kelley, Louise Lawler, Judy Linn, Robert Mapplethorpe, Charles Ray, David Robbins, Rene Santos, Christopher Sasser, Hiroshi Sugimoto, James Welling, Hanna Wilke

Feature Inc /
76 Greene Street, New York, NY 10012
Tom Friedman: new work
group: Jim Isermann, Martin Silverman, Kevin Wolff
small gallery: Larry Clark, Vincent Fecteau, Jason Fox, David Moreno, David Robbins
Richard Kern: Nudes
Lisa Beck: paintings / Lucky DeBellevue: sculpture
Sculpture Incorporating Photography: Richard Bloes, Rachel Harrison, David Moreno
Takashi Murakami: sculpture and paintings
Vincent Fecteau: new work
Brett Reichman: Sleepy Hollow
office: Richard Kern, Gavin Wilson
Shinichiro Akasaka: paintings
Rachel Harrison: sculpture / Michael Lazarus: paintings
AbFab: Avi Adler, Lisa Beck, Naomi Ben-Shahar, Joe Cavallaro, Lucky DeBellevue, Jeanne Dunning, Wayne Gonzales, Jim Isermann, Bill Komoski, Louise Lawler, David Moreno, Jorge Pardo, Raymond Pettibon, Richard Rezac, Matthew Ritchie, Michael Rodriguez, Alexander Ross, Lily van der Stokker, Tony Tasset, Amanda Trager, John Tremblay, Dan Walsh, James Welling, Kevin Wolff
office: Bill Komoski, David Moreno, Brett Reichman
REX: ink drawings 1982-1996
Richard Hawkins: new work
Hung Gurus: the Extreme Homoerotics of Bastille, The Hun, and Gengoroh Tagame
Michael Banicki: ratings / David Robbins: drawings
Michelle Lopez: leather works / Alexander Ross: relief pieces
group: Lucky DeBellevue, Vincent Fecteau, Tom Friedman, Richard Hawkins, Scott Hug, John Lekay, Raymond Pettibon, B. Wurtz
office: Bill Komoski, Michael Lazarus, Alexander Ross
Bill Komoski: paintings
Romain Slocombe: photographs
Jim Isermann: Cubeweave
office: Bill Komoski, David Robbins, Alexander Ross
"Hers was a ghost face at the window in a dream; and then the glass pane turned into a drowned face staring up from the bed of a clear river." (Denton Welch): Rene Santos, Alan Wiener, Gavin Wilson, Kevin Wolff
office: Michelle Lopez, Kevin Wolff

Feature Inc /
76 Greene Street, New York, NY 10012
The ‘Feature Show’ Hudson installed at Torch in Amsterdam in January 1997. It was the last time Hudson travelled to Europe.
Flying Buttress Please: G.B Jones, Richard Kern, Takashi Murakami, Brett Reichman, Martin Silverman, B. Wurtz
David Moreno: paintings and sculpture
Jerry Phillips: drawing
David Robbins: Fuck Buttons / Dike Blair: The New Sobriety
Judy Linn: photography
B. Wurtz: sculpture / Lisa Beck: installation
group: Lisa Beck, David Moreno, Takashi Murakami, B. Wurtz
Naomi Ben-Shahar: photography
Richard Bloes: video sculpture
Joe Cavallaro: sculpture and collage
east gallery: Tom Friedman, Takashi Murakami
office: Vincent Fecteau, Jerry Phillips, Brett Reichman
Candy Darling, Always a Lady: Devotional Icons and Memorabilia. Organized by the Andy Warhol Museum from the collection of Jeremiah Newton, the Andy Warhol Museum, and other lenders; anonymous, Robert Agriopoulos, Sheyla Baykal, Peter Beard, Cecil Beaton, Richard Bernstein, Dagmar, Candy Darling, Walter Diegold, Kenn Duncan, Robin Drury, James Gossage, Bob Gruen, George Haimsohn, Philippe Halsman, Peter Hujar, Jed Johnson, Ray Johnson, Gerard Malanga, Billy Maynard, Jack Mitchell, Laura Rubin, Francesco Scavullo, Irene Vilhar, Andy Warhol
Sam Gordon: drawings and photographs
gnarleyand: Steve DiBenedetto, Jason Fox, Richard Hawkins, Bill Komoski
office: Naomi Ben-Shahar, Bill Komoski, Michelle Lopez
Hello: Dike Blair, Vincent Fecteau, Richard Hawkins, B. Wurtz
office: Lucky DeBellevue, Michael Lazarus, B. Wurtz
Michael Rodriguez: paintings
Lucky DeBellevue: sculpture
group: Jesse Bransford, Judy Linn, Alexander Ross, Alan Wiener
office: Alex Brown, Lucky DeBellevue, Michael Lazarus, Jim Shaw
Richard Kern: photographs
Lily van der Stokker: Something: sculpture and drawings
Jason Fox: new paintings and sculpture
office: Jochen Klein (exhibited as part of "Mapping No Boundaries. Art. AIDS. Action," an exhibition sponsored by Visual AIDS as a part of A Day Without Art), David Moreno, Takashi Murakami, Alexander Ross

Feature Inc /
76 Greene Street, New York, NY 10012
Alexander Ross: paintings
Bome: models
Drawers: Jesse Bransford, Fury 161, Kara Hammond, Scott Hug, G.B. Jones, David Moreno, Michelle Lopez, Jerry Phillips
Takashi Murakami (10 – 14 February 1998): Hiropon, Project Koko, Pity, Sakurako Jet Airplane a Nos. 1-6
office: Jason Fox, Richard Kern
SCIENCE: Naomi Ben-Shahar, Huma Bhabha, Lucky DeBellevue, Sam Gordon, Rachel Harrison, Richard Hawkins, Miranda Lichtenstein, Judy Linn, David Moreno, Oona Stern, Lily van der Stokker, Alan Wiener, Gavin Wilson, B. Wurtz
David Robbins: Assorted Comedies
Michael Lazarus: paintings
office: Bome, Jesse Bransford, Richard Hawkins, David Robbins, Alexander Ross
Vincent Fecteau: sculpture
Paintings: Lisa Beck, Bill Komoski, David Moreno, John Torreano
25/34 Photographers: Ralf Marsault and Heino Muller collaboration. Selections from "Fin de Siecle"
Alex Brown: paintings
Justen Ladda: “Rear Views”
From India, Contemporary Anonymous Tantra Paintings on Paper. Curated by Franck André Jamme
group: Richard Hawkins, Scott Hug, Jeff Ono
Raghubir Singh: Icons
Jochen Klein: paintings
office: Alex Brown, Bill Komoski, Kevin Wolff
Monica Majoli: paintings
B. Wurtz: altered photographs / Jesse Bransford: drawings
office: Jesse Bransford, Lucky DeBellevue, Richard Hawkins, Alexander Ross, David Shaw
Dike Blair: Transcendental Decoration
Jerry Phillips: drawings
office: Michael Lazarus, David Moreno, Michael Rodriguez
YOYOGAGA: Shinichiro Akasaka, Lisa Beck, Huma Bhabha, Jason Fox, Sam Gordon, Chris Hammerlein, Michael Lazarus, Judy Linn, Mette Madsen, Jon McCafferty, Roy McMakin, David Shaw, Annie Sprinkle, Motohiko Tokuta
office: Dike Blair, Jerry Phillips, B. Wurtz
Pudding: Richard Bloes, Jennifer Bolande, Alex Brown, Joe Cavallaro, Lorenzo De Los Angeles, Bruno Fazzolari, Michael Rodriguez, Oona Stern
Kinke Kooi: Taking the Vague as Being True
office: Sam Gordon, Michael Lazarus, Jon McCafferty