Torch in Amsterdam 11 January - 22 February 1997
The ‘Feature Show’ Hudson installed at Torch in Amsterdam in January 1997. It was the last time Hudson travelled to Europe.
Flying Buttress Please: G.B Jones, Richard Kern, Takashi Murakami, Brett Reichman, Martin Silverman, B. Wurtz

Exhibitions 18 January – 15 February 1997
David Moreno: paintings and sculpture
Jerry Phillips: drawing
David Robbins: Fuck Buttons / Dike Blair: The New Sobriety

Exhibitions 28 February – 5 April 1997
Judy Linn: photography
B. Wurtz: sculpture / Lisa Beck: installation
group: Lisa Beck, David Moreno, Takashi Murakami, B. Wurtz

Exhibitions 11 April – 10 May 1997
Naomi Ben-Shahar: photography
Richard Bloes: video sculpture
Joe Cavallaro: sculpture and collage
east gallery: Tom Friedman, Takashi Murakami
office: Vincent Fecteau, Jerry Phillips, Brett Reichman

Exhibitions 17 May – 21 June 1997
Candy Darling, Always a Lady: Devotional Icons and Memorabilia. Organized by the Andy Warhol Museum from the collection of Jeremiah Newton, the Andy Warhol Museum, and other lenders; anonymous, Robert Agriopoulos, Sheyla Baykal, Peter Beard, Cecil Beaton, Richard Bernstein, Dagmar, Candy Darling, Walter Diegold, Kenn Duncan, Robin Drury, James Gossage, Bob Gruen, George Haimsohn, Philippe Halsman, Peter Hujar, Jed Johnson, Ray Johnson, Gerard Malanga, Billy Maynard, Jack Mitchell, Laura Rubin, Francesco Scavullo, Irene Vilhar, Andy Warhol
Sam Gordon: drawings and photographs
gnarleyand: Steve DiBenedetto, Jason Fox, Richard Hawkins, Bill Komoski
office: Naomi Ben-Shahar, Bill Komoski, Michelle Lopez

Exhibitions 8 July – 15 August 1997
Hello: Dike Blair, Vincent Fecteau, Richard Hawkins, B. Wurtz
office: Lucky DeBellevue, Michael Lazarus, B. Wurtz
Exhibitions 9 September – 11 October 1997
Michael Rodriguez: paintings
Lucky DeBellevue: sculpture
group: Jesse Bransford, Judy Linn, Alexander Ross, Alan Wiener
office: Alex Brown, Lucky DeBellevue, Michael Lazarus, Jim Shaw

Exhibitions 18 November – 20 December 1997
Richard Kern: photographs
Lily van der Stokker: Something: sculpture and drawings
Jason Fox: new paintings and sculpture
office: Jochen Klein (exhibited as part of "Mapping No Boundaries. Art. AIDS. Action," an exhibition sponsored by Visual AIDS as a part of A Day Without Art), David Moreno, Takashi Murakami, Alexander Ross

Exhibitions 5 December 1996 – 11 January 1997
"Hers was a ghost face at the window in a dream; and then the glass pane turned into a drowned face staring up from the bed of a clear river." (Denton Welch): Rene Santos, Alan Wiener, Gavin Wilson, Kevin Wolff
office: Michelle Lopez, Kevin Wolff