Exhibitions 4 – 26 January 1985
New Order: Sarah Charlesworth, Janet Cooling, Robert Engel, John Glascock, Pam Golden, Gregory Green, Donna Hapac, Linda Horn, George Horner, Peter Huttinger, Sherrie Levine, Regent Pelerin, Richard Prince, Rene Santos, David Sessions, Mitchell Syrop

Exhibitions 2 – 23 February 1985
Richard Rezac: sculptures
Bruce Clearfield: paintings and drawings group

Exhibitions 3 May – 1 June 1985
Engagement: James Brinsfield, Sarah Charlesworth, Bruce Clearfield, Janet Cooling, Pam Golden, George Horner, Peter Huttinger, Louise Lawler, Sherrie Levine, Richard Prince, Richard Rezac, Rene Santos, David Saunders, David Sessions, Mitchell Syrop, James Welling

Exhibitions 7 – 29 June 1985
Rene Santos: new paintings
Richard Prince: drawings and photos
Robert Engel: paintings

Exhibition 9 July – 9 August 1985
Invitational (with Rhona Hoffman Gallery*): Lyn Blumenthal*, Krimmer Brams, Janet Carkeek, John Dunn*, Julia Fish, Carol Harmel, Linda Horn*, George Horner, Kay Rosen, Ken Shaw, Tony Tasset

Exhibitions 13 September – 13 October 1985
Jeff Koons: Bronzes, Equilibrium Chambers, Nike Posters

Exhibitions 18 October – 30 November 1985
Blow Up: Ellen Carey, Sarah Charlesworth, Jimmy DeSana, John Glascock, Richard Prince, David Robbins, Rene Santos, Mitchell Syrop, James Welling
office: Kimberly Burleigh, Janet Cooling, Jimmy DeSana, Robert Engel, George Horner, Richard Rezac, Rene Santos

Exhibitions 2 December 1985 – 3 January 1986
Richard Prince: Jokes
Charles Ray: This is how a table works
Hirsch Perlman: sculpture and photography